Human Migration — An exploration by Northstar learners
Currently our middle school learners are exploring Human Migrations. I believe it is critical for kids to understand the idea of migrations from multiple perspectives, whether it is because of economic exigencies or incentives, war zones, ethnic conflicts, or other reasons. In a world where we are quick to judge and make someone “other”, awareness of and sensitivity towards other perspectives will go a long way in making a peaceful world.
These explorations are 6 weeks long(sometimes longer) and we integrate multiple learning areas within this unit. There are no textbooks that we can use as reference for any of our explorations. The planning for explorations is difficult and long but a rewarding experience. Four to six educators from different domains (particularly language and social sciences) sit together for hours to work out a teaching sequence. The background knowledge that educators must bring to it is enormous. As educators we ourselves go on an exploration of these topics and share our ideas and experiences which then can be translated into teaching sequence.